About Us
Hwa Hsing Vietnam Co., Ltd. extends our warmest greetings and wishes for successful and fruitful cooperation to our valued customers. As a subsidiary of Hwa Hsing & Co., Taiwan, one of Taiwan’s leading steel trading companies with over 35 years of experience in the global market, we are proud to be part of significant projects from the South to the North of Vietnam since our establishment in 2012, contributing to the development of our country.
We supply products from reputable and well-known manufacturers such as NSSMC, JFE, Tokyo Steel, Osaka, and Topy from Japan; Tungho, China Steel, Dragon Steel from Taiwan; Hyundai, Dongkuk, Posco from South Korea; Siam Yamato from Thailand; and Jinxi, Rizhao, Baogang, Shengfeng, Sheng Cai, etc. from China.

Providing steel products from famous factories around the world

Prices are always competitive and continuously updated

Sustainable development throughout more than 35 years of accompanying customers.

Fully legal documents, invoices, documents